Why Money Is Never An Issue

          This is a very real problem, and one of the most common parental objections.  Christian schools cost money.  A lot of money.  But before we get too carried away with fiscal concerns, we need to ask ourselves an important question:


            Do we have a moral obligation to give our children a Christian education?  If so, then God will do for us what He does anytime He gives us a command.  He’ll give us the means to obey it.  


          Statements like “God will make a way” or “If He’s called you, He’ll equip you” may sound a little trite.  But they happen to be true.  If you have a biblical mandate to provide your children with a Christian education – and

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it.” 

(Matthew 13:45-46)

all of us have to make that determination for ourselves – God won’t let a little thing like insufficient funds stop you from obeying Him.  Not if you’re committed to hearing and obeying His will in the matter.


          He may give you a raise.  He may show you how to cut a few corners.  But one way or another, He will make a way – because if educating your children in a Christian setting is a genuine responsibility, the financial cost becomes a genuine need.  And God has promised to supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).


          There are other ways God may provide the necessary funding.  In some cases, churches have been known to assist their members.  Talk to your pastor and see if that’s a possibility.  And, of course, many schools offer financial aid to needy families or scholarships to academically-gifted students.  Contact the admissions department at your local Christian school. 


          At the end of the day, God may ask you to take a step of faith.  Then another.  Then another.  Pretty soon, you’ll be walking in a promise that’s been repeated so often it’s become the quintessential Christian cliché.  When God calls us to a task, He equips us to fulfill it.  The Red Sea was no match for Him.  The red in your checkbook won’t be, either. 

